Dumnonia is a kingdom which is actually comprised of a number of sub-kingdoms. At this time, Dumnonia herself dominates the other kingdoms of Glastening and Cornwall. Kingdoms of Brittany have also passed in and out of the power of Dumnonia and relations with these still remain strong.

Wealth Level. 5 (Dumnonia) + 25% of Cornwall & Glastening. 4 (Cornwall). 4 (Glastening).

Military Lists (maintenance cost).
2 Heavy Cavalry (6,400 gold)
5 British Light Spear (1,250 gold)
2 Heavy Infantry (5,400 gold)
4 British Archers (740 gold)
1 Heavy Cavalry (3,200 gold)
3 British Light Spear (750 gold)
2 Medium Infantry (1,200 gold)
4 British Archers (740 gold)
1 Heavy Cavalry (3,200 gold)
5 British Light Spear (1,250 gold)

Maintained Fortifications (level).
Caer Custoeint(5)
Exe Monastery (6)
Maintenance: 11 x 100 = 1100 gold
Tintagel (5)
Maintenance: 5 x 100 = 500 gold
Caer Ddraitou (2)
Glastonbury (4)
Maintanance: 6 x 100 = 600 gold

Total Maintenance.
14,890 gold
(average income:14,000 + 3,500 from subkingdoms)

Cornwall: 6,390 gold (average income: 7,000 gold)
Glastening: 5,050 gold (average income: 7,000 gold)

50,000 gold
Cornwall: 9,000 gold
Glastening: 15,000 gold

Political Structure of the Kingdoms of Dumnonia
The kingdoms under Dumnonia’s control have a good deal of autonomy, but are not wholly independent. The leaders of Glastening and Cornwall are referred to by the title of Duke. Dumnonia has long been a bastion of the Romano-British and as such has derived the titles of these men from the earlier Romans. The controlling dynasties of the kings of Cornwall-Dumnonia-Glastening have mainly been Cornish or Dumnonian, but currently leadership rests with the Dumnonian family of King Maximus, known as Macsen in the British tongue.

Additionally, Dumnonia maintains warm relations with it’s daughter-kingdoms across the channel in Brittany, also called Less Britain. In the last 50 years, the kingdoms of Dumnonée and Cairhaix have been given independence from Dumnonia by Dumnonian and Cornish kings wishing to reward their sons with kingdoms of their own.

The religion in Cornwall, Dumnonia, and Glastening has been dominated by the Roman Catholic Church for a long time and is deeply entrenched. As a Christian kingdom, Dumnonia takes a dim view of practitioners of magic of any sort and will usually attempt to discourage these practices. The severity of the “discouragement” typically varies with the magnitude of the magic used.

Bishop Ignatius runs the diocese in these three kingdoms and has done well for himself and his church, in spite of being cut off from Rome. He is a very pious man and generally very forgiving. However, he has a certain intolerance for pagans and especially druids. He feels the druids are responsible for misguiding the people of the neighboring kingdom of Dortrig, eventually leading to the demise of Christianity in this kingdom 200 years ago.

His diocese is very wealthy, with all manner of riches contributed to the church by the nobility as well as the peasantry. Besides using this income to expand his church, Ignatius has been working very hard to win over the current ruler of Dortrig and convince him to remove the temple to the old pagan gods and establish a Christian shrine.

Cornwall (This kingdom is suitable for Heroes to run)
Population/Wealth levels. 3/4

Inhabitants. Approximately sixty percent of the population of Cornwall is comprised of Romanized British who live in villages of various sizes scattered throughout Cornwall.

Adventure Hooks. Goblin raiders under the leadership of a powerful Erlking have arrived and made permanent homes hidden in the thicker forests of western Cornwall. These bandits leave the woods only to prey upon the good people of Cornwall Cursed by the gods and doomed to be ostracized by human society, these people seem determined to harass every neighbor. So far, attempts by the Duke’s army to root them out of the forest have been unsuccessful as these goblins appear adept at disappearing in the forest when they wish.

A single Irish settlement has been allowed to build a village in Cornwall recently. It is located near western wood along the northern coast of the kingdom.

Other creatures do inhabit the wilderness areas of Cornwall. There are giants known to roam the high moors around Tintagel castle and in caves along the coastlines. Fairy are also known to make the presence known from time to time, much to the chagrin of the catholic church here.

Notable topography. The western forest covers an area from the village of Land’s End up to 36 mile toward Tintagel castle. This forest shelters many mysteries and currently is the home of an Erlking and his band of goblins.

Immediately nearby this famous and nigh-impregnable fort is Bodmin Moor. This area supports mysteries of its own; possibly even giants.

Languages. British is the major language here. Latin is spoken at masses but rarely is any other language spoken here.

Trades. With the exception of the goblins who typically steal from others in order to sustain themselves, the peoples of Cornwall usually make their living farming, fishing, and mining. Cornish tin is an especially profitable material for trade and the Duke earns the bulk of his income through his mines. It can easily be said that the Duke employes more British than any other man in Cornwall. Some crafts and food are also exported.

Allies. Cornwall maintains a close relationship with their over-king in Dumnonia. The Duke maintains a military always reading for the call to war by King Maximus. In addition, a feelings of closeness exist between Cornwall and the kingdoms of Less Britain across the Channel since many of the people of those kingdoms still remember the fair treatment the kings of Cornwall gave them in days gone by.

Enemies. Cornwall’s traditional enemies have always been Irish and Saxon raiders. However, progress has been made toward reaching agreements in terms of settlement with the Irish, thus the Irish raiding has been quite minimal. Saxons only rarely raid the rocky coasts of Cornwall. Indeed, the main concern of the Duke is the Erlking of the western woods who often sends his goblins out to harass villages and kidnap children.

Disposition. Duke Lucius is currently in power by both the consent of his own people and that of his superior, the king of Dumnonia. The people here are quite supportive of their duke and remain optimistic.

Population/Wealth levels. 4/5

Inhabitants. The only primary race of Dumnonia itself are the Romano-British themselves. Two main towns, including Exeter, have the greatest population, although the hill forts Caer Uisc and Caer Custoeint protect villages of their own. In addition, a trade village has sprouted up near the mouth of the Taw river subsisting on local agriculture and trade.

Notable topography. The lands of Dumnonia include a thick forest around Caer Custoeint and a moderately dense forest around Caer Uisc in the south. These places often harbor encounters with the fey folk. One never knows what or who a hero might find in these woods. Additionally, the kingdom has larger tracts of wild in the southern Dartmoor and northern Exmoor which support small populations of hunter-gatherer Ogres and Giants. The plains around the town of Exeter provide decent grazing and agriculture.

Languages. Like Cornwall, the major language here is British (Celtic) with Latin used in catholic masses.

Trades. Mining is also common in the moors of Dumnonia. Grazing and some agriculture is also currently sustainable enterprises as well. Finally, some trade is done by sea.

Allies. Currently Dumnonia has a lot friends. Cornwall and Glastening currently remain loyal to the King of Dumnonia, and the kingdoms of Dumnonée and Cairhaix across the Channel are sympathetic and friendly to the causes of Dumnonia. Unfortunately, the kingdoms of Less Britain are not likely to make a serious military commitment.

Enemies. Dumnonia’s relations with the fellow British kingdom of Dortrig has been chilling rapidly in recent years. The Roman church of Dumnonia does not approve of the “backwards” slide to the old druid ways the current rulership of Dortrig has taken. The Roman church has been encouraging feelings of hostility towards the old pagan ways, and so Dortrig has in turn felt more hostile toward the Christian kingdoms.

Disposition. King Maximus (Macsen in the British tongue) of Dumnonia is a powerful warrior king who took the kingship after his father, the former king, fell in battle with the West Saxons five years ago. Maximus is one of the most influential and powerful of the British kings and is itching to go to war with the West Saxons to gain revenge for the death of his father. The people and warrior leaders of Dumnonia are supportive of their king but seem more interested in picking a fight with any neighbor than specifically with the Saxons. The people here remain aggressive.

Glastening (This kingdom is suitable for Heroes to run)
Population/Wealth levels. 4/4

Inhabitants. The people of Glastening are largely of British stock. However, there are some Saxons who have managed to settle here in spite of the hostility harbored by the Romano-British against them. In addition, a few giants are said to roam the wilder areas between settlements.

Adventure hook. Heroes might be asked by Duke Camulorix to complete a special quest to the Otherworld. Avalon might be used as a gateway, with a little help from the priestesses there. The Heroes might also be called upon to mediate a dispute between the Christians and the pagans at Glastonbury Tor, perhaps having a hand in a new bargain between the two groups.

Notable topography. Fertile plains are the dominant feature of central Glastening, making this a popular area to settle. There is a great old hill fort called Cadbury (which means battle-fort) once built to protect the area, but this venerable stronghold has fallen into disrepair since the Dukes of Glastening have chosen to put resources into protecting Glastonbury (which means fort of glass) instead. It would not be terribly difficult for a more wealthy ruler to reoccupy the fort and make it serviceable once more.

The Exmoor stretches into the western portion of Glastening, eventually giving way to rolling hills covered with light forest. A few giants and hill goblins have been spotted in this area. The hill fort known as Caer Ddraitou is positioned to watch over these wild lands.

Hilly lands once again appear in the east, sheltering the kingdom somewhat from the Saxons.

The wetlands in the north central area of the kingdom surrender to a shallow lake surrounding a tall hill called Glastonbury Tor, known to the druids as Avalon, place of apples. The name Glastonbury means castle of glass. Under either name, the isle is strongly connected with the Otherworld and is thought to be the resting place of King Arthur.

Avalon is a place of great religious significance and men and women druids travel here often. Even the Christians respect the isle, preferring the name Glastonbury Tor. The Christians have been allowed to erect a monastery in the nearby town, so long as they do not disrupt the special rites and teachings of the priestesses of the old religion. This place has long been the center of the female side of the druidic faith and with the return of the old ways and the druids, the Christians of Glastening have had no choice but to allow the priestesses and druids access to the place. A town, taking the name Glastonbury, has grown considerably due to the frequent pilgrimages to Avalon, and so the Dukes of Glastening have heavily fortified the area for protection.

Secrets of the Isle of Avalon. The Lady of the Lake, referring to the waters surrounding the isle, is the title of the highest priestess of Avalon. The Lady of the Lake has authority over all the women bards, poets, and priestesses of the Celtic religion. Her power is equal to the Archdruid himself (also known as the Merlin). She and her closest advisors are sometimes referred to as the Four Queens. The first of these priestesses is the Queen of the Fey who traditionally leads the nine maiden priestesses who watch for the return of King Arthur. Only she, the Lady of the Lake, and the Merlin are said to know when or if Arthur shall return. The second is called Queen of the Northgales. She commands priestess of the distant North. The third is named Queen of the Wastelands, and it is her right to oversee the return of the Celtic religion to lands controlled by Christians and Saxons.

Physically, the Isle of Avalon looks deceptively small. In truth, the Isle exists both in the Otherworld and in Britain at the same time. The Isle stretches for many more miles than it would seem. This size is well hidden by the nearly continual mist which shrouds it. Indeed, the mist itself magically shields the island from unwanted approach, and it is not passable to those who are do not have the special skill of navigating this mist (Requires the Magically Gifted Talent and Sea magic skill). On the Isle, it never rains, snows, or hails. No wind blows here.

Languages. British is the primary language here, although the few scattered Saxon settlers speak English. Latin is the only written language.

Trades. Agriculture and grazing comprise the primary occupations here. The lowlands are very fertile and are capable of supporting a good variety of crops.

Allies. As a subkingdom of Dumnonia, Glastening obviously maintains close relations to the over-kingdom. Although it is in general friendlier to Dortrig than the other kingdoms of Dumnonia, it would not be considered a real ally.

Enemies. The primary threat to this kingdom comes from the West Saxons. Numerous battles have been waged between the Dumnonian kingdoms and the West Saxons within the borders of Glastening. Therefore, the British here harbor a deep resentment of the Saxon people, and treat those few Saxons who dared to settle within the kingdom harshly.

The persecution does not go unnoticed by the Saxons kingdoms, however, and is often the source of much animosity between Glastening and the West Saxons. It is commonly viewed that war with the Saxons will come again soon.

Disposition. Duke Camulorix gained his position solely by being the first born child of his father, the previous Duke. The people of Glastening are beginning to grew weary of the constant struggles with the Saxons. There are also signs of stress between the two religions at Glastonbury. The people of this kingdom are neutral toward the actions of their Duke.

Dortrig (This kingdom is suitable for Heroes to run.)
Population/Wealth Level. 3/4

Military Lists (maintenance cost).
1 British Heavy Cavalry (3,200 gold)
4 British Light Spear (1,000 gold)
4 Javelin Skirmishers (740 gold)

Maintained Fortifications (level).
Caer Durnac (5)
Maintenance: 5 x 100 = 500 gold coins

Total Maintenance.
5,440 gold
(average income = 7000 gold coins)

9,000 gold coins

Political Structure. Dortrig is an independent kingdom controlled by a strong king who has been successful in battle. For now, times are good.

Religion. Dortrig has experienced a resurgence in the common people’s faith in the old druid religion.

Ten years ago, a young King Cyrys was in desparate straits. The West Saxons had attacked the small kingdom, quickly overrunning the eastern portion of Dortrig in a line roughly following the centeral spine of hills which run through the kingdom. Cyrys’s father, King Trefor (pronounced Trevor), died only the previous winter of the white fever. It was obvious the Saxons felt the inexperienced young man, barely 18 at the time, would quail before their onslaught.

Cyrys new he was militarily outmatched. His choice was simple; find an ally, or loose the kingdom. Dortrig’s first option was to request intervention aid from the only nations in the area powerful enough to stand up to the West Saxons -- the Dumnonian kingdoms. However, there were two drawbacks to this plan. First, there would almost assuredly be a protracted war between the two greater kingdoms tearing up Dortrig and its peole. Secondly, were King Maximus of Dumnonia successful in driving out the Saxon menace, there would be no guarantee that Maximus’s armies would leave. That could render Dortrig a subkingdom under the authority of King Maximus, and Cyrys was proud enough to strongly oppose the notion of bowing to another king.

King Cyrys needed another plan. commanding his skirmishers and cavalry to execute hit and run attacks in the forest and the plains bought him time to find another way While most of Dortrig’s population sought shelter in within the massive walls of Caer Durnac, Cyrys and two of his closest friends made a harrowing journey north to find a circle of druids sympathetic to his cause. This rapid quest took him first to the forest near Stonehenge and then north into the secretive mounts of Craven. There he found a group of sympathetic druids who agreed to use their power to save his kingdom. In return, Cyrys swore to uphold the traditional laws of the Cymry (as the British call themselves) above the laws of Rome and to allow the druids to return to Dortrig to teach the old ways again. A quick demonstration of the druids’ power was all that was necessary to convince the young king to agree to the bargain.

When Cyrys returned with three elder druids, he quickly set about devising his counter attack. One druid had the power to dampen the enemy Saxon Rune Master’s power. Another the ability to enchant Cyrys troops to astounding levels of frenzy. The third could spread a thick mist across the battlefield. Thus it was that Cyrys was able to defeat a numericly superior and more experienced foe. The resulting chaos and loss of life was once that the West Saxons have not yet forgotten.

For the King’s part, Cyrys was as good as his word. Not only did he uphold his promises, but he donated a section inside the town of Caer Durnac itself to the druids’ use. This was an area which included an ancient sacred well. The druids have now also grown a small oak grove around the well and teach the old ways there. Although the druid religion has not gained widespread acceptance yet, the King himself as well as a growing group of people have been learning from the druids for the past 10 years.

Inhabitants. This kingdom remains exclusively in the hands of the British natives.

Notable topography. The heart of this kingdom lies is forested. These woods provide some natural defense against raiders, but can sometimes also shelter bandits. Hills near the borders also provide some tactical advantage to the king when facing external threats.

Languages. The most common language here is British, although some Saxon is also spoken because of the influence of the West Saxons.

Trade. Dortrig is largely and agricultural state, but also contains good resources of wood for trade and construction.

Allies. The best allies of Dortrig are the druids. The king’s strong bond with these powerful sages is the only certain ally Dortrig has. The king hopes to begin relations with the small kingdoms of Bath and Gloui to the north, as none of them may be able to defend itself alone against another determined Saxon incursion.

Enemies. Anglo-Saxon raiders along the coast and the West Saxons are the most obvious enemy. The Dumnonian kingdoms, while not an enemy at this time, can not be counted as a friend, either.

Disposition/Loyalty. Optimistic/Moderate

South Saxon
Population/Wealth Levels.

Military Lists (maintenance cost).
Cadwallon’s Liberators (Special unit, 0 gold)
Aelle’s Teeth
1 Saxon Axemen (575 gold)
1 Saxon Light Spear (400 gold)
Wulfred’s Guard
2 Medium Infantry (1,200 gold)
Woden’s Doom
1 Saxon Axemen + Rune Priests
(0 gold)

Maintained Fortifications. None

Total Maintenance.
Cadwallon’s Liberators: None
Aelle’s Teeth: 975 gold coins
Wulfred’s Guard: 1,200 gold coins
Woden’s Doom: None

Cadwallon: 100 gold coins
Aelle: 1,500 gold coins
Wulfred: 2000 gold coins
Woden’s Doom: 1000 gold coins

Political Structure. During the early years of the first independent Anglo-Saxon nations, this kingdom grew to great prominence. So much so, in fact, the king of South Saxons became the foremost of the Jute, Angle and Saxon warlords. This king, called Aelle, was able to put terrific pressure upon the British states. However, there arose a singular British warlord, hero, and king against whom Aelle met his match. This was Arthur, warlord and King above all the British Kings. Arthur attacked Aelle, and any other Anglo-Saxon nation which stood against the British. The effect upon the South Saxon kingdom was devestating. So much so, the kingdom still has not recovered in one hundred years since the death of King Arthur.

Today, there is no ruler strong enough to claim the South Saxon kingdom. When the Saxons first arrived here, they had done an admirable job of displacing or enslaving the native British population. Unfortunately for the Saxons, since the defeats inflicted by Arthur a few of the British have returned, and have no wish to allow a Saxon king to rise again. Four main factions continually test one another, looking for a weakness or perhaps an easy victory.

Two royal lines currently struggle for supremacy in the portion of the kingdom south of the stretch of woods, called the Weald. Here, the Saxon population is concentrated most strongly. These consist of the family and allies of Wulfred, whose claim relies on the fact of his direct descent of Aelle on one side and the charismatic young warrior called Aelle, who was named after his great grand-uncle, on the opposing side. Unfortunately, the wealth of both these would-be kings does not match their ambitions. They are unable to outfit enough warriors to make an army of the necessary size to ensure a victory.

Two other groups roam the plains north of the Weald. One, led by a young prince from Gwynedd, seeks to provide protection for those British who have settled back into their ancestral lands over the past century. The last group, known as Woden’s Doom, is commanded by a trio of ruthless Rune Priests, acolytes of Mercian Rune Masters bent on the task of reverting, or converting Saxon and British populations away from the dominant Roman Catholic church. These axemen are absolute fanatics, worked into a frenzy and empowered with magic by the Rune Priests. These Rune Priests will often use terror, pain, and death to convince their targets to renounce their Christian views. This tactic is frighteningly effective. Many times, it is only young Prince Cadwallon’s bravery and quick action that could distract these barbarians from their grisly work.

Unfortunately for all concerned, the creatures of the Otherworld have also made an appearance, complicating matters futher. An Erlking has carved out his own holdings within the Weald. His forest goblins’ natural colorings provide an excellent camouflage here, making them extremely difficult to root out. In addition, the goblins’ numbers are thought to be unnaturally large for such a parasitic culture. Woodsmen fear the Erlking may reside in an impregnable fortress lying outside the bounds of this world. However, permanent portals must have certainly been created for the goblins appear to move about with complete freedom. If this were not enough, rumor has that three dragons have taken up residence in the forest! Evidence of this is sparce, but with the closeness of the Otherworld brought by the Erlking, it is certainly possible that these beasts may have arrived from the Otherworld through the portals. The dangers of this forest has markedly divided the kingdom into north and south halves. This has strongly contributed to the political disarray of South Saxon. Only fools or the bravest heroes travel through the Weald.

This kingdom has further problems lurking just over its borders, as well. The aggressive nation of Mercia to the north west has been hungrily eyeing the northern reaches of the realm. Meanwhile, Catholic priests from the kingdom of Kent, the most Christian of the Anglo-Saxon nations, have been attempting to stir up resistance to the actions of Woden’s Doom. Fortunately for the South Saxon kingdom, Mercia, with it’s immensely strong armies, has not yet dared to invade due to concern about the reaction of the goblins and potentially any dragons. However, most view this as a temporary situation. And if Mercia decides to mobilize, it could very well spell the end of any hope of an independent South Saxon kingdom.

Religion. Roman Catholicism, especially concentrated near the borders with Kent, vigorously competes with the Saxon pagan religion. In fact, the Archbishop of Canterbury is very concerned and has commissioned a missionary to evangelise the South Saxons and oppose the moves of the Rune Priests. This is a dangerous task, but the Archbishop has found a priest with most effective war experience and has surrounded the priest with a circle of six highly skilled warriors faithful to the cause. Father Tigerni was an Ealdorman of exceptional skilled during his career with the West Saxons, and since he has found God and taken up the missionary robes, he has proven a most able man.

Father Tigerni’s piety and resourcefulness has inspired Saxons south of the Weald, and he now makes ready to travel to the northern reaches to evangelize the people there, including the British settlers. Father Tigerni is wary of the evil mystic power of the Rune Priests, but as he often likes to observe, a blade in his belly will crimp any witch’s style.

The Rune Masters of Mercia have other plans for this kingdom. They were very put out when the king of Kent allowed himself to become converted, and they were outraged when he built them churches and Abbeys. Backed by the considerable resources of King Penda of Mercia, the Rune Masters have sent three of their best students of runecraft accompanied by one single warband of axemen (Woden’s Doom). The challenge is twofold: 1) to revert the Saxons to the old ways and destroy any opposition, and 2) the priests must prove their power to their masters. Failure will be punished with death, and the Masters will simply deploy more priests and perhaps more warbands to continue the work.

Inhabitants. A large number of Saxons dominate the area south of the Weald. A smaller number inhabit the area north of the Weald. British settlers have reclaimed some portions of the northern lands, but are badly set upon by Woden’s Doom. Fey creatures inhabit the Weald.

Adventure hook. The dragons may indeed be a very real danger! Heroes wishing to make a name for themselves could gain instant fame by defeating one. This adventure would be fairly straightforward in theory, but the journey to the Weald may be fraught with all kinds of dangers including goblins and other fairy monsters. Keeping out the way of the numerous warring factions can also be a challenge.

Adventure hook. The goblins of the Weald have stolen a king’s new-born child. A desparate and grieved king may ask or command the Heroes to return the child.

Adventure hook. The Heroes may learn of an impending invasion on the part of Mercia or even Kent. British Heroes may wish to team up with Prince Cadwallon in an effort to thwart plans for invasion.

Adventure hook. Hero religious leaders may take up arms in a religious war to drive out one religion or the other.

Notable topography. The Weald is the most striking feature of this kingdom. This dark forest is rumored to be haunted by ghosts and called home by goblins, dragons and other monsters. In the southern portion of the kingdom, an old ruined fort by the name of Caer Anderida lies abandoned. Small villages sporadically dot the landscape, but most folks just try to eke out a living on scattered farms.

Language. Although some British is spoken here, most people speak the Saxon dialect, at least as a second language, if not a first language.

Trade. Agriculture.

Allies. None.

Enemies. Kent and especially Mercia. These expansionist kingdoms are interested in taking control of the population, agriculture, and if they can, the forest.

Disposition/Loyalty. Devisive/Rebellious.